Big business of keeping in dependence, or important lessons of my experienses drawn from trade

The fair and unfair logic of trade

The logic of trade /’selling and purchasing’/ could vary. ‘Fair’, or in a sense, ‘democratic’ trade means that the related parties inform each other about all the important and relevant circumstances of the business and neither party endeavours to gain an advantage unduly from betraying the other. Unfair trade operates with the opposite logic: on a ’purchase as cheaply as possible and sell on the highest possible price’ basis. In case of unfair trade, one party manipulates, deceives or takes advantage of the other party, gaining “extra profit” in an illegitimate way. The means of unfair trade can (could) be monopoly or cartel when more parties are involved on the market, and this situation has been established and maintained with intention. In other cases the distortion of “normal” market operation comes from that one or more players draw profit from the subalteration, dependence or lack of information of the others. In these cases, the soft-mannered players find themselves way behind. In other cases the dominant player(s) set(s) up conditions that allow(s) him (them) to misuse the new situation.


High enjoyment value and dependence

It is known that the biggest commercial benefits can be generated by products and services that are highly addictive to consumers and generate a strong and compelling inner desire. This category includes – besides alcohol – tobacco, drugs, medicines, and chocolate (candy), coffee and energy drinks as well. The powerful and impressive effect as a stimulation and intense experience develops a rapid psychological or physical dependence over time. In food industry “supersubtle” flavors are typically processed by heating, roasting, fermentation. This includes black tea, oak barrel aged (“barriqued”) wines, spirits (brandy, liqueurs, spirits), beer (from roasted malt), roasted coffee, chocolate made of roasted beans or smoked- aged cheese, smoked-cured/baked-grilled meat, roasted seeds and sugar, so basically those products that are generally available in the so-called delicatessen stores for a relatively high price. Generally speaking, it can be said that everything that has a high enjoyment value has a typically highly addictive effect – moreover some products have an additionally high potential of habituation. In this respect, alcohol counts as a highly dangerous product.

Remarks related to the trade and marketing of wine as a drug

It is well known that wine as an alcoholic beverage is essentially a drug. Its abusive consumption causes serious damage to the human body and mind. In spite of these severe effects; an almost extreme indulgence (“liberalism”) can be observed in terms of marketing and sales. Advertising laws in relation to alcoholic products usually prohibit only the highly immoral or downright misleading activities in this regard, for example these adverts can’t be about underage and should not encourage underage for immoderate consumption, and cannot be associated with better physical performance, social success, therapeutic effect, or with resolving personal conflicts. The advertisement showing alcohol consumption in a positive light, however, would only be fair and balanced by informing the consumer about the consequences of alcohol consumption as well. Indulgence is also traceable at alcohol sales: wine can usually be purchased in almost any grocery store and counts as an “essential” food, and – above a certain age – anyone can purchase it at any time – and can drink as much of it as they want.

Dependence business and Mafia

The organized “mafia” usually deals with lucrative, but illegal activities, ignoring or knowingly violating the “normal” social norms and morals. These activities are usually associated with phenomena that cause strong psychological dependence (in some cases are connected to aberrations or deformations of the personality), or are extremely dangerous because of the rather serious damage caused by them. These include drugs, alcohol, tobacco, prostitution and pornography, arms and military technology, gaming and entertainment, and waste. Moreover, what law prohibits, might actually work in practice (for instance lucrative drug trade). Typical activities are creating forgeries, making some products cheaper: “downgrading” by different tricks, and then their transportation (smuggling) and legal or illegal sale. This activity is essentially no different than trading with illegal, unscrupulous methods to gain revenue. The Mafia organizes these activities greatly, on an “industrial scale”. From the revenue they operate legal, civilian enterprises – where appropriate, catering units, where addictive products can be sold.

The modishness of addictive goods and their prevalency

The well-known definition says that alcohol is a psychoactive drug. However, putting it this way is not accurate: alcohols (and drugs) don’t only affect the mind but – in the long run- result in personality changing. Moreover regular and abusive usage doesn’t only affect and change the personality but also seriously distorts, destroys, “deforms” it, which can lead to the individual’s physical and mental degradation and complete debauchery leading to ’dehumanization’ in a way. This is a serious threat to society as well. Therefore, it is strange that the state and the competent authorities are not really involved in actions of limitation. Practice shows that “easily”, „with some leg-work ” almost anyone can get almost any addictive product. However, it wouldn’t be enough to restrict the accessibility of these goods, demand, the craving for drugs and other addictive products should be reduced. Most of the addictive products are not to be advertised, but there is “a gap in the shield”, namely a high priority area: films, video clips captured by the entertainment industry  popularize the addictive products, and many well-known celebrities and stars are a sort of human cigarette, alcohol or drug advertisement. Knowing the current situation, no wonder that alcohol abuse is so frequent and plenty of serious personal and social problems are present.

Lack of adequate information

Wine and alcohol consumption doesn’t have to go hand in hand with getting drunk with the loss of control and consciousness. However, many youngsters come across distorted behavior patterns and take up bad habits that are not compatible with quality wine culture. It is far from being a coincidence and the profiteer, manipulative intentions are easily pinpointable behind the fact that most consumers are not “prepared” for cultured wine consumption. It means that many people are not aware of the short- and long term effects of abusive wine consumption, and –in general- the harmful consequences to the body, mind and personality. Unlike tobacco products, on alcoholic beverages there is no indication that it may cause serious physical and psychological dependence, and result in social and health problems. It is not stated even, how much the recommended “healthy” amount of consumption is – which are typically different for men and women and young people and adults. Therefore, no wonder that “boundary violation” is frequent regarding alcohol. The dramatic nature of personality and mind deformation as a result of alcohol abuse and its drastic consequences on the society doesn’t gain publicity in media or in education, therefore raise no public awareness.

Closing thoughts – Logic of keeping in dependence in society

The basis of the commercial logic of keeping in dependence is a “predatory” attitude and morality, which is based on unilateral and unscrupulous profit, therefore is essentially a way of blackmailing. Keeping in dependence is so widespread in society that vulnerability of the masses basically seems natural in almost all areas of social life. Because of the current social function, the uninformed individuals may easily be “trapped”, drifting into a troubled, vulnerable life situations (this may actually be alcoholism), and in many cases the only way out of this state is through getting addicted to some external factor. In traditional societies, families and larger and smaller communities were still capable of self-sufficiency, but nowadays “common man”, the “consumer” lives in a virtually complete dependence: is not self-sufficient in any respect if is not able to pay for various services, eventually finds himself on the periphery of society being forced to vegetate instead of a span of a normal, decent life. It should not be forgotten that trade – buying and selling- is a matter of attitude as well – and on the functioning of society such people have a decisive influence for thousands of years, who lack the sufficient commitment and intent for ‘fair trade’ and endavour a selfish and unscrupulous profit-making attitude. The aspirations of such “businessmen” are successful because of the recent social chaos, although -in a sense- this statement is only valid for “short term” and in respect of their own business.

Original text in hungarian language: Függőségben tartásban a nagy üzlet


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